August 14, 2023

Islam and Homosexuality: Preface

For some people, the issue of homosexuality is completely irrelevant. There is no point of discussion on the topic because their stance is clear based on their respective religion and/or worldview. For others, homosexuality is a non-issue because it is understood as yet another category of identity to be checked off on a list — similar to one’s ethnicity or nationality. Many other perspectives also land on the conclusion that homosexuality is simply not worthy of discussion.

While I understand these sentiments, I think it is unfair to ourselves and others that we as Muslims leave ourselves out of the most crucial conversations of the day. If there is any group that can offer clarity and guidance in these confusing times, it should be us. Religion must be relevant to its people and speak in a language that they understand. As people of faith, we cannot afford to be silent on the pressing issues of our times, and homosexuality happens to be one of those issues.

Those who hold and accept the “born this way” argument for excusing homosexuality often have an incomplete picture of what research reports concerning the actual nature of human sexuality, and those who insist that it is only a matter of choice have an incomplete picture of human reality. Homosexuality is not like ethnicity or nationality, but it also isn’t simply a choice. Homosexuality — the thoughts, feelings, and choice to participate in that lifestyle occur for a variety of reasons, all of which should be understood, especially by those of us who wish to speak against it.

I chose to write two essays on this topic. One is an in-depth exploration of homosexuality utilizing both social science research and sacred texts. The second essay surveys prominent Muslim voices on the issue and considers how we might go forward.

My hope is that these essays will expand the discourse on homosexuality to include sacred texts, social science research, and lived experience. In this way, we can more productively engage in the public discourse of our time without compromising our principles.

And with God alone belongs success.

Book: Islam and Homosexuality, available for purchase on Apple Books.

Course: Islam and Homosexuality, sign up here.


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