October 18, 2021


If you’re like me, which you might be considering you’re reading this blog. You spend a lot of time “up there”. You know, up in the sky where the birds live —have you ever noticed that? When I’m deep in reflection I find my head moving upwards towards the sun. We spend a lot of […]

October 4, 2021

Maybe we should make a clear distinction

Woman in long sleeve ankle length body-con dress —Quranic reminders —Family photos of a friend you’ve never met —motivational quote —Islamic event this Saturday! If Neil Postman, author of Amusing Ourselves to Death, thought TV was bizarre —“We’ll be back with a quick look a molestation,” a quote he pulled from a Daytime talk show […]

September 27, 2021

Don’t make a list, Tell a story

Many will suggest writing a list of “must-haves,” “nice-to-haves,” and deal breakers when looking to get married. While this may be good advice from a practical standpoint I think it’s also important that we also tell a story of how we’d like our marriage to look, the texture and feel of our day-to-day shared existence […]

September 20, 2021

Empathy and action

We often get it confused. We fear empathy because we fear it will move us to incorrect action. We assume that if we empathize with the ‘abuser’ our pity will overwhelm us and cause us to have mercy on him in his actions. But the ‘why’ never has to affect our ’what’ though it can […]

April 16, 2021

The post I didn’t post.

This is the post I wanted to post in December 2019 but I started to doubt myself and wonder if a true goodbye is necessary for this little blog. Whether it is or isn’t I’ve decided to share it anyway. Thank you, out there, for your support over the years. I am eternally grateful. Original […]

October 20, 2020

Fixing the marriage crisis for the upcoming generation

Maybe because I often buy into a “rugged individualism” approach to life I’ve found it hard to completely comprehend what people mean when they say it’s hard to get married. I know that our culture doesn’t make it easy to get married but it is, after all, our culture and everyone born into it knows that there will likely be […]

September 28, 2020

Spiritual Dimensions of Modesty -Imam Hamzah Abdul-Malik

Some years ago, while I was studying at Azhar, a young sister wanting to practice her faith asked me to clarify the spiritual dimensions of modesty. This was my reply. Alhamdulillah, I believe it had a great impact on her back then, so I want to share it so you could also benefit insha Allah.  […]

July 6, 2020

Does Islam still have a ‘message to the black man’?

Nation’s Impact Needless to say, the heyday of the Nation of Islam was before my time. My parents weren’t involved in the Nation and it was never a part of my religious upbringing. Nevertheless, its impact is still felt in the black Muslim community and the larger black community. Malcolm X was and is a […]

June 29, 2020

Alienation and Return (2)

You can’t attach to the goal and remain attached to God. I’ll share a bit about myself, which I try not to do too often, and that is that I was attached to a goal. Maybe not much to say, aren’t we all? But it only recently dawned on me just how deeply attached I […]

June 1, 2020

Alienation and Return (1)

Alienation is the state of being withdrawn or separated from a group, person, or situation to which one was formerly attached. There are quite a few definitions of alienation, including those specific to Marxism and psychiatry. The best definition, for our purpose, in the one above. Alienation in some ways isn’t particularly special or interesting. […]

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