I’ve had this tea most mornings for the past few weeks and personally feel a small boost of energy after drinking it. It has also helped me to have a pleasant morning routine, hope it does the same for you.
Green tea
Cayenne pepper
Lemon (optional)
If you’re using fresh ginger -as I usually do, you’ll want to peel, chop and boil the ginger ahead of the other ingredients. The length of time you boil it depends on the strength of tea you want. I boil mine up to about 40 minutes. Note that you may need to add water since some of the water will evaporate the longer you boil it. Once you’ve boiled it at least 10 or so minutes, add the loose green tea (if you using a tea bag skip this step for now). Let the green tea boil for about 3 minutes, then strain the tea to remove the ginger root and excess leaves. Then add and stir about a tablespoon of honey (more or less to taste). If you didn’t use loose leaf tea before put your tea bag in your cup now and let it steep for 2- 3 minutes. Then add a pinch of cayenne pepper (literally no more than a pinch or it will be unpleasant). And finally, add a half a tablespoon of lemon juice if desired.
Most of the above ingredients have been linked to aiding in clear skin, so inshaAllah it helps, it also is a nice natural “energy drink” for those of us who just want a small boost in the morning.
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