October 15, 2015

Beginning to understand the body

The process of weight loss primarily through calorie counting has really helped me begin to understand the body. For instance I could never understand how morbidly obese people could lose weight in astonishing amounts over short periods of time while most of us find it difficult to lose weight the less overweight we are. For […]

October 9, 2015


Believers, stay away from conjecture; acting upon some conjecture may lead to sin. Do not spy on one another or back-bite. Would any of you like to eat the disgusting dead flesh of your brother? Have fear of God; God accepts repentance and is All-merciful. (49:12) Backbiting is a part of life, or at least […]

October 7, 2015


Sometimes we love people so much that we begin to fear losing them. We panic wondering what we’ll do if they ever leave us. We dread long gaps between texts messages, long awaited phone calls and distance eyes. We worry if we’re losing them as each moment goes by and don’t even realize. Have they already […]

October 7, 2015

LIfe lessons

There’s so much to learn, always. Arabic grammar is… complex but I’m glad to have a go at it. I can almost say I’ve been studying Arabic for 10 or 12 years if I count all my failed attempts but the past year has been my best attempt and this year will be better, in […]

October 3, 2015

Not accepting our flaws

He said to us our issue is in accepting our flaws. At some point we begin to say “Well that’s just how I am”. We turn our flaws in to parts of us and lead ourselves to believe that we are what we do, both good and bad. But this is not only untrue but […]

October 2, 2015

New Name: By the fig and the olive

“By the fig and the olive. And [by] Mount Sinai. And [by] this secure city [Makkah], We have certainly created man in the best of stature; Then We return him to the lowest of the low, Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they will have a reward uninterrupted. So what yet […]

May 20, 2015

Far reaches of excellence

Excellence. That’s what we’re supposed to implement. Who we’re supposed to be. What we’re supposed to do. But the goals of the mind are so far from the actions of the body. At times seemingly at war with each other. But it feels too hurtful to give-up our goals, that would be the obvious solution. […]

March 5, 2015

Depression hurts too

There are times in my life where I could say I’ve been depressed. The clinical meaning of depression is: a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depression, major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to […]

December 11, 2014

Yo Mismo

I’ve been wondering to myself lately: What if my only job was to look after myself? What kind of life would I live? What kind of decisions would I make? How much greater would my health be? How much better would I be? Taking care of myself is something I’ve never done an excellent job […]

December 3, 2014

Baraka or germs

Every time I see my sheikh’s wife or another of the sheikha’s in the Zawiya, I kiss their hand. A strange thing for an American like myself to do but I do it. At first out of following, everyone else is doing it, and later out of honor and respect. I’d only see the practice […]

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