November 30, 2015

No more Muslim identity: Being a personal Muslim

I’ve been finding it very hard of late to be Muslim and even harder to be Sufi. Not Muslim in a political or ostentatious way, living in Jordan my visible Muslim identity is no concern of mine. Being here in Jordan I don’t worry about being a visible Muslim. I don’t worry about how I […]

November 25, 2015

Work like a horse

Once I heard that horses keep going until they cannot, i.e. they work until they collapse and die. If you’ve read Animal Farm you may remember Boxer, he was the horse who adopted the motto “I will work harder”. There are so many lessons in that book and so many warnings. But despite his hard […]

November 24, 2015

Let it go

Let what go? All of it. All of the dreams you thought you’d accomplish by now. All of the hope you put in this or that thing, let it go. Sometimes we reach a point in our adult life, look around and ask: What in God’s name happened? And often we don’t have answers for […]

November 23, 2015

Living without the “white gaze”

My parents never told me I had to “work twice as hard as white people to be half as successful” and I’m glad they didn’t. We grew up in a black working-class neighborhood yet my siblings and I have gone all around the world and back not because we had a ton of money rather […]

November 18, 2015

Sleep well

One thing I’ve never done quite well is sleep. Not that I don’t sleep, I probably sleep too much, but not well. I’ve been told that the best sleep is sleep before 11 pm. So it doesn’t exactly surprise me that my habit to sleep around 1 am doesn’t exactly work. I wake up late […]

November 16, 2015

Eating Meat

There’s no denying that in Islam meat-eating is permissible there are in fact occasions when eating meat is highly encouraged and others where killing animals is a necessity. In short, we have the undeniable right to kill some animals and eat them. This does not mean that the purpose of animals is to be slaughtered […]

November 11, 2015

Slowing down fast fashion

This coat is 56% cotton, 44% virgin wool and made in the USA. Classic, chic and timeless and presumably long-lasting, it’s the kind of coat I’d buy, it costs $3,950. The sticker shock took me back for a moment, $3,950… so if I had a full-time job -which I don’t, paying $12 an hour (though I […]

November 2, 2015

The Tariqa, A natural inclination

In our times joining a spiritual path, following a leader and relocating ones whole life to do so is meet with strange confusion and possible weariness. Rabia Al Adawi once famously pointed us to “The Neighbor”, her choice of abode (Paradise for those God grants His mercy) was not drawn by a deep interest in […]

October 26, 2015

Ten Percent

In order to be more purposeful in my spending on worthy causes specifically and on anyone but myself in general I’ve decided to donate 10% of the money I have each month. I’m the queen of forgetful but I hope to keep this up every month and writing this little post will help me do […]

October 19, 2015

The Sinner Forgets

I’m not sure if it’s just common knowledge of the saints, hadith, or in the Quran but the idea that the sinner forgets and therefore those who want to strengthen their memory should leave off sin came to my mind on my cab ride home. I’m about to take on a heavy load of studying, […]

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