It’s been 7 years since I’ve updated my bio/about page. That’s certainly enough time for things to change both for me and the space I’ve created online. I started this blog after graduating from Columbia University with a graduate degree in psychology. Right before I headed off to Jordan to continue my Islamic studies. It was a disjointed time in my life. When I was in college as an undergraduate student I knew exactly what I wanted to do; finish school, go straight into a Ph.D., and become a psychologist. That didn’t quite pan out. I went to Jordan the summer after finishing school and suddenly began to question my life’s path. I also didn’t get into a Ph.D. program out of college. But at the end of the summer, I did get into the Master’s program at Columbia and my parents insisted I go, so I left Jordan and went to school –knowing I’d be back as soon as I could.
As I attended Columbia I was reminded of my love for psychology. I was impressed by the depth of knowledge, the environment of curiosity, and the desire to help others. But I couldn’t shake wanting to better understand the beautiful religion God allowed me to be born into. Before I ever received my official degree in the mail I was on an airplane back to Jordan.
This all happened at least 6 years ago. Fast forward to now (2022), my knowledge journey has had a lot of ups and downs, highs and lows, stops and goes. I’m currently updating this bio from Morocco, a country I never thought I’d see again, to continue this knowledge journey and relearn what has been forgotten.
This blog is a space to reflect and assess utilizing the tools I know and love the most. Sometimes I write weekly, other times you won’t hear from me for months. But this space remains alive and well, even if we take a breather from it. Thank you for reading this update –or perhaps it’s more of a reintroduction. Check out the links below if you’d like to hear from us more often.
Talk soon and take care.
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