October 7, 2015


10917_806429192767351_7927281553411089624_n-2_Fotor-555x350Sometimes we love people so much that we begin to fear losing them. We panic wondering what we’ll do if they ever leave us. We dread long gaps between texts messages, long awaited phone calls and distance eyes. We worry if we’re losing them as each moment goes by and don’t even realize. Have they already checked out and were the only ones still holding on?

Losing a loved one isn’t easy and it is worth stressing but in our anxiety do we stop and think about the time that has already passed? Do we take a moment in gratitude recalling the joyous moments we share with that person? Maybe they will leave, maybe things will end and we can cry then but now and maybe even when it ends -since all things do end, why not take a moment to thank God for the amazing human being he brought in to your life and the amazing joy it is to have even one soul even momentarily connected to yours. What a bounty worth being grateful for.

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